On this page you'll find information on how to download a new version of the training program, register so that you can log in,
and then download all your previous games so that you can keep playing where you left off
If you're looking for how to play the game, go HERE instead!
You should not download a new version unless a TRAIN Study coordinator has asked you to!
To download the program, click DOWNLOAD .
The program will download as a compressed file. To uncompress it, just open it from your downloads,
click run, and save the folder to your desktop. To open the game, double-click on the folder on your desktop (should be named cuta1556).
Inside the folder, open the file named "CUTA" by double clicking on it. This will open the program. Next, you will need to register.
Before you can start training on the program, you'll need to register yourself as a new user in the program. You should have received a registration code from one of the study coordinators. The code in the boxes that look like this:
Then, make your username and password the same as it was in your other program. Ask a study coordinator if you need help remembering it!
If you are a San Diego participant, it should be three numbers, the last three of your Family ID.
You will need to download your previous games to pick up where you left off in your training. First register and log in (see instructions above for registering).
Then click the button that says "download".
Then you can choose the most recent game that's been uploaded to the system! Your game will start automatically after you select it, so be ready!
The next time you log in, you won't need to download your games again simply follow the instructions below to LOAD your game!
After you've registered and downloaded your other games, the next time you log in you will just need to load your last game. Press the load game button:
After you press "Load game", you will see a screen like the one below:
you can see how many sessions you've completed, then press "OK" to get started!